Why does dating an unvaccinated person matter?

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    Any person who has been able to withstand the media and government indoctrination to get vaccinated has principles, is a person of character and honour and so is worth dating. The added reason is fertility.

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    as you say

    Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

    Mark Twain


    not many did,

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    The stance taken in the video posted here has been validated by recent reports of DNA contamination in the COVID vaccines.

    Links are provided below.



    There is even an older scientific publication dating back to February 2022 describing how COVID vaccine mRNA is reverse transcribed into DNA in a human liver cell line.




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    looked at a YT vic re reverse transcribed into DNA in a human liver cell line.

    had no idea, what it meant but the whole procces seems ‘dodgy’

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    I agree with your response, but mostly with the last point… fertility, AND health in general. The adverse effects are obvious, but could get much worse.

    Yah Rocks
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    Well Said! I have to agree with her! If the person was smart enough to not get lethaly injected, they are way above average intelligence.. I have heard horror stories of one spouse or the other getting vx ed and the other spouce getting health problems. Not a good idea to date a jabbed person!!

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    1. Because it gives us an insight into how they think – if their thought process led to the vaccine whether confirming with ease or happy to get it, it signals a huge incompatibility for those who are strongly against it.


    2. It has altered their DNA which means there genes are now compromised, reproducing with them is an issue.


    3. If they succumbed so easily to the vaccine, they are unprepared for what is to come. How will they deal with things when the NWO starts ramping up its control and powers on the people? No thanks to those who bend over with ease.

    Just Curious
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    Good points. A good friend of mine that had all the experimental injections, as he wanted to drive to California to settle up his mother’s estate, this was in 2021, as he was waiting for the US to drop the border restrictions so people that were jabbed could drive across the border.  About six months later, this person who was in their late 50s in excellent physical shape, biked, hiked, played tennis and had to get off his bike when going up a hill. He went to his Doctor and had to have cardiac surgery.  Here’s a website for a conference in Romania in November 2023 where knowledgeable people came together, and their current ad for the one in February 2024. https://www.internationalcovidsummit.com

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    if you have to ask that question you are in the wrong place .

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