
Online Unvaccinated Dating Using Smartphone

We believe online dating and meeting new people in your neighbourhood should not be expensive. If you can help support our work, please consider donating and telling your friends about our website. Web hosting alone costs us $800 USD a year. Advertising raises our costs to several thousands dollars a year. If everybody here contributed just a few dollars our web hosting bills would be paid for and we would have money left over for more advertising. If the right website or newspaper is chosen, adverts can bring in substantial numbers of new members, but it does cost hundreds of dollars for each advert.

Your credit card will be charged by a major processor and none of your financial details will be stored here. You will only be charged once; we do not use recurring or automatic payments.

Search engines and major social media sites are free, because their money comes from advertising, the stock market (which means your pension funds) and sometimes from government. Any money you donate to us will be put towards website hosting, advertising and the maintenance and extension of the software running this website.

Another way to help us is to put up our adverts on the public noticeboards found in grocery stores, churches and cafés.