What do you say to people still wearing face masks?

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 week, 5 days ago by RACING4love.
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    A few people are still wearing face masks. It is 2023 and I still see people wearing face masks in the street. These people are in a minority. I don’t know, maybe only 1%.

    I did try to have a word with one lady. I tried to impart some information to her, but she started talking very loudly about how she knows the virus was created in a laboratory. I couldn’t get a word in edgeways. I left as quickly as I could because she was practically shouting.

    In shops some of the workers still wear face masks. Again they are in a minority. Some of these employees are friendly and always try to talk to me about news and what is happening locally in town. They seem nice people and in large cities people don’t usually talk to one another.

    I gave one shop worker information as to where she could find out more information. But it makes no difference whatsoever.

    Perhaps these are hopeless cases. If someone has been ill in the past they are not going to be receptive to new information. It is a vicious circle. Masks… Vaccines… Get flu… Blame a virus and so think you need more of the same.

    It started off in 2020 with the feeling that saying nothing makes you complicit.


    There are plenty of other things to focus on now, such as cashless societies and the massive counterproductive green/climate change/net zero carbon agenda. Every time you convert natural gas to electricity you will lose 56% of its energy. Electric cars are an insanity.


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    I don’t say anything to them.

    I do, in a way, feel sorry for them, bc they have bought into this giant psyOp and I’m sure they are terrified on some level–esp those who are out in the open space, outdoors and STILL masking……….the equivalent of wearing a condom when u masturbate–ridiculous

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    same thing i have always said … sorry can you repeat that and please speak up !

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    The other day, I was in a health food store and a woman and her young child was at the till with masks. It was so upsetting. Of course, I do not know their story. Maybe she’s taking chemo or something, but to obstruct her child’s breathing! I get people are at where they are at but that is child abuse, plain and simple! Not only is that child breathing in poisons but she will grow up afraid of her shadow. Child abuse.

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