Viruses and disease. The Germ and Terrain Theories.

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by Chainsaw Chimp.
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    Is disease caused by poor nutrition, exposure to synthetic chemicals or germs (bacteria and viruses)?

    If you examine the Wikipedia entry for tuberculosis, you will discover one quarter of the world’s population are carriers of the bacteria which is thought to cause the disease. It is obvious all these people do not get sick. The only conclusion is that the bacteria only proliferates after another problem, such as malnutrition. This is one example illustrating the difference between the competing Germ and Terrain theories.


    Do viruses really exist? Are they a hoax which masks the real causes of sickness, which is exposure to synthetic chemicals? It is thought that the real cause of the disease polio was extensive use of the now banned insecticide DDT in the 1940s and 50s. DDT works by poisoning the insects’ nervous system. Polio is a disease of the human nervous system.

    Warts could be caused by cosmetics, residues of cleaning chemicals on bathroom floors or sanitary products containing trace amounts of chemicals. Chickenpox could be caused by an adolescent growth spurt depleting the building blocks for blood vessels. The blood vessels leak causing fluid filled poxes on the skin. Is the fact people get chickenpox at the same time evidence for it being a contagious virus? Maybe they were vaccinated at the same time or maybe they are all at the same stage of life?

    Science tells us viruses only harm one particular organ of the human body such as the liver. So how does the hepatitis virus travel from the mouth to the liver without destroying everything in its path? Viruses do not have legs! Could hepatitis be caused by seafood grown in polluted seas or a bad lifestyle (drug and alcohol abuse) rather than a virus?

    There is the belief that influenza is a natural method for the body to get rid of air pollution and dust inhaled over the course of the past year by coughing and the expulsion of dirty mucus. Maybe a person inhaled very cold air, it damaged the lungs and the damaged cells need to be removed by coughing.

    Flaws in scientific method

    Scientists will produce lengthy and complex scientific publications trying to prove that disease-causing viruses exist. They will always have the same flaws.

    • The published genetic (DNA or RNA) sequence of a virus does not prove it exists in reality. Viruses are sequenced from impure mixtures containing human DNA. Is the sequence from the virus, human DNA or both?
    • When scientists try to prove viruses cause disease, they won’t use purified virus particles. The alleged viruses will be contained in a soup of laboratory culture cells, antibiotics and other chemicals. It is impossible to know what exactly caused the problems. Often test animals will be used with small lungs and have comparatively large volumes of fluid squirted into them. They will not perform controls with just large volumes of fluid minus the alleged virus particles.
    • Viruses are introduced into test animals using surgery or harsh abrasion of their skin. Neither methods are natural routes for the entry of viruses and will cause problems by themselves.
    • The best way to prove a virus is both contagious and causes disease is as follows. Put a sick animal next to a healthy, unvaccinated animal. Look for symptoms of disease in the initially healthy animal, such as coughing and fluid and inflammation in the lungs. However nobody has done this and found evidence proving viruses exist, are contagious and cause disease.

    Lying with statistics
    When examining graphs of deaths showing differences between unvaccinated and vaccinated populations, caution needs to be exercised.

    Sometimes a person will not be classed as vaccinated until a certain number of days after the vaccination. So if he or she dies within 5 days of a vaccination it will be classed as an unvaccinated death.

    Data may show unvaccinated deaths, but the reality may be the people were vaccinated and the vaccination records were never filed or could not be found.

    Chainsaw Chimp
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    Hello there, Dr Tom Cowan’s book TheContagion Myth was a superb read, but I suspect you know that already!

    Kind regards


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