Reasons to Celebrate – Wins of the Week episode 27

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    Wins of the Week Ep27 with Ted Kuntz
    We have lots to celebrate! The House of cards is falling, and we are rising.
    Jul 02, 2024

    Dear friends, this has been a tremendous week! There have been many great advances for our movement of truth and freedom!
    Trudeau and other villains are falling hard in elections, newspapers, courts, and polls. Children are getting more protection in courts; plus new safe and sane schools to attend. Julian Assange is free! Costa Rica is prosecuting corrupt judges. My summer tour is going great, with BC events happening this week that will include a surprise super-guest. Both the Manitoba Stronger Together, and Reclaiming Canada conferences were very successful. This week, Canada’s C-19 era “vaccine” injuries compensation program passed fourteen million dollars paid out. Vaccine Choice Canada was recognized by top researchers for leading in the global awakening to important vaccine truths. Three of Canada’s top-tier investigative journalists: Rodney  Palmer, Glen Jung and Randy Taylor have united to create “Talk Nation” which launches this week. Dr. Malone exposed NATO’s dark reality.
    That’s not all. There are so many good things happening!
    Please enjoy this week’s report; take care of your mental, physical, and spiritual health; and keep up the great work!

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