The Dinosaur Hoax – Dinosaurs Never Existed

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  • This topic has 16 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 months ago by Aloha2day.
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    The class Dinosauria was originally defined by Sir Richard Owen of the Royal Society and Superintendent of the British Museum Natural History Department in 1842. This was a speculative hypothesis made during the heyday of evolution, before a single dinosaur fossil had even been found.

    The press worldwide got to work creating stories of these supposed long-lost animals.

    In 1854, Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden, during his exploration of the upper Missouri River, found proof of Owen’s theory. He mailed a few unidentified teeth to leading palaeontologist Joseph Leidy, who several years later declared them to be from an ancient extinct Trachodon dinosaur (which means rough tooth). It is impossible to reconstruct an entirely hypothetical animal based on a few teeth!

    It is curious that a wide range of ancient reptile and bird-like transitional forms necessary for the blossoming theory of evolution, would be hypothesized and then conveniently discovered by teams of evolutionist archaeologists purposely out looking to find such fossils. Such fossils have supposedly existed for millions of years, but were never found by or known to any civilization in the history of humanity until evolutionism’s renaissance in the mid-19th century!


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    Notice the unnaturally short arms of Tyrannosaurus Rex.


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    The Theory of Evolution is stated to be a process driven by random mutations and the natural selection of beneficial ones.

    A scientist used computer modelling of proteins consisting of random chains of amino acids. A protein is a chain of roughly 300 amino acids. At each position of the chain, there can be any one of about 20 different amino acids. The computer model calculated it was extremely improbable a protein formed by a random combination of amino acids could correctly fold into a viable 3-dimensional shape. This is just folding into a 3-d shape and does not even consider being able to do useful work.

    Animals have vast amounts of genetic material. Humans have 3 billion base-pairs of DNA. At a certain level of complexity, a few random mutations will cause havoc, rather than helping produce new functionality.

    Through selective breeding we observe dogs of different sizes, shapes and fur colour. None of these changes involves the creation of new functionality, such as an eye, the ability to process language or abstract thought. Selective breeding is just tinkering.

    A test tube of simple chemicals will produce new substances of all stereoisomers i.e. both left and right handed molecules. Animal life is made up of chemicals of only one type of handedness. (For the non-chemists here, we have both left and right hands. Both are different, but are mirror images of each other. The same goes for stereoisomers.)  Yet again, forming animal life from a soup of simple chemicals is more difficult that we would think.

    One cell of our bodies is more complex than a whole city. Did we really arise by a random process?

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    I used to love going to the British Museum… Years later I discovered the dinosaur hoax! What a conjob.

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    I don’t know. There have been found entire skeletons of these extinct ancient animals. Hundreds of species, herbivores, carnivores, big ones, small ones, terrestrial, aviary, aquatic.

    Dozens of species have been extinct within the last 200 years. It is not unreasonable to assume that many more species have died out in times before humans were on this planet, or at least before writing was invented. I do not see any paradox here at all.

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    The key point of the video is that the dinosaur bones found are not the original ones, but rather fossilised bones i.e. bones that have been turned into stone over millions of years by some process. The Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton is a clue hidden in plain sight.

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