Why don’t we show up for unvaccinated dating app searches?

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  • #5077
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    I’ve noticed on all the major search engines (except good ol’ yandex.com), our website does not show up for searches using the words unvaccinated dating apps or unvaxxed dating apps. However we do show up well for unjabbed dating. Does anyone know what we can do to fix this? Obviously we have added these words to some images and page titles.


    Since we wrote the above, we purchased the domain unvaccinated.dating, which now acts as a landing page (with some associated information) to this site. After the purchase, we read Google’s documentation and learned the company no longer gives preference to keywords as part of a domain name. Oops, maybe we should have read that first! Also hyphenated domains names (such as unvaccinated-dating and get-your-best-shampoos-and-soaps-here) are considered spammy. So for example a domain name like soaps.shop might be considered superior to soaps-shop.com by a search engine.

    Anyway it will be interesting to find out if we can get more visitors from our new landing page.

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